How to Keep Your Wife Happy During a Pandemic

As most married couples say, a happy wife means a happy life. Making your partner happy is a cornerstone of a fulfilling and healthy marriage. You might think wives want something specific as women, but in reality, all humans have similar needs for connection, support, validation, and honesty.

Everyone has different ways they want to receive love, but there are some common ways you can do to make your spouse happy on a regular basis. Written below are some reliable ways to keep your marriage full of love and joy, especially during this pandemic:

1.       Prioritize communication

In order to make your wife happy, it is important to communicate regularly as a couple. Many spouses find incredible joy when they are listened to.

On the other hand, this does not mean that you need to agree with everything your wife is saying, it only means that she will feel more connected to you and “heard” if you actually listen. Take advantage of this situation during the pandemic to develop healthy communication in your marriage. 

2.       Give lots of physical touches

Physical touch is very important in marriage. Many say that people feel particularly loved when their partners give them a lot of affectionate touches. Physical touch is also said to release stress. Some of the ways you can show your affection to your wife are by hugging her, stroking her hair, and cuddling with her.

3.       Be attentive to the little things she loves

Women love it when their partner pays attention to the little things about them. Most wives feel deeply loved when their husbands attend to their little preferences in life. You can do this by making her a cup of coffee every morning, telling her you love her frequently, putting the toilet seat down, throwing the garbage out, and many more things that she may love you to do for her.

4.       Express interest in her thoughts and feelings

Listening to the mundane and simple things is a part of marriage. Practice asking questions about how your wife’s day has been, listen, and ask some follow-up questions. Then she can also do this to you afterward. It is important that both people will feel heard and understood in any relationship.

5.       Work together in your daily task at home

Since most women do most of the work at home, be attentive to the division of labour in your household and be honest with yourself about where you might pick up some slack.

6.       Fight better

Conflicts and disagreements are part of any healthy relationship. What matters is how you handle and engage in those conflicts.  Learn to be compassionate and kind even when you are arguing. you can do this by first expressing your side, then listening to hers, and then approaching the issue together in a solution-focused manner. Avoid playing the blame game.

7.       Go outside together

Exercising outdoors can be a powerful way to reduce stress and strengthen your relationship and positive connections. You can start by walking, jogging, and running together outside.

8.       Plan something fun

This pandemic does not have to kill all the fun for your family. Take out your creative juices and plan for simple home activities that you can do with your wife and kids. You can also use apps that can connect you with your friends during dinner and game nights.

9.       Accept that the situation is hard

This pandemic has put people under a lot of extraordinary stress. Some might have lost their jobs or working from home. This situation will have an exceptional impact on your relationship as a married couple. Accepting the situation can lower your demands not only on yourself but also on your partner. By doing this, you can now find new approaches in your relationship as you live together 24/7 and working at the same time.

10.   Create space for yourself

When everyone is at home all the time, it is difficult to have time all for yourself. In a living space that is too small for everyone else, it is important to consciously help each other find more space. You can create a habit of walking alone for a few hours or running for a quick errand in the grocery so that your wife can have time alone for herself in peace and quiet.

As much as we need to take care of our physical health, we also need to take care of our relationships with our spouse, friends, and other family members. This pandemic has affected our relationships with our friends and family. Even so, we can still thrive in our marriage and relationships if we make extra efforts together as a couple.If you are having difficulties with your married life during this pandemic, do not hesitate to seek help. Mental health support and counselling are available for you, may it be online or face to face. You contact a virtual walk-in clinic Thunder Bay to book a counselling schedule for you and your spouse.

Author: Lester Vaugn